Filmora shortcuts
Filmora shortcuts

filmora shortcuts

Buka folder “Cara menginstal” dan ikuti instruksi langkah demi langkah.

  • Processor: Intel Dual Core processor or later (Intel 6th Gen or newer recommended).Ĭara Install Wondershare Filmora 12.0.1 Full Crack.
  • Hard Disk Space: 1 GB of free space required.
  • Memory (RAM): 4 GB of RAM required (8GB required for HD and 4K videos).
  • Presets for advanced use of WordArt, as well as text editing tools.
  • You have access to a vast selection of video formats and templates.
  • An Instant Mode that allows users to create videos without having to have any knowledge of editing.
  • More than two thousand different types of media resources to facilitate the creative process.
  • Predefined keyboard shortcuts that, when used, may make the editing process go much more quickly.
  • Capable of syncing and backing up asset data.
  • A mode called Quick Split, which is capable of swiftly chopping up videos.
  • AI Audio Denoise, which can cut down on the amount of background noise in clips.
  • AI Audio Stretch to adjust the duration of the audio to match the length of the video.
  • Using AI Smart Cutout, choose the areas of the image that you do not want, and then delete them.
  • The ability to alter layers, which will speed up the editing process.
  • A Pen Tool that offers greater versatility for the creative process.
  • Keyframes for text, filters, and colors have been improved.
  • Updated user interface and user experience.
  • A full complement of cutting-edge features, artificial intelligence capabilities, and plentiful assets.
  • filmora shortcuts

    A performance that is both more powerful and more efficient.Anda juga dapat memanfaatkan berbagai macam elemen pengeditan video, termasuk preset, templat, dan aset. Anda akan memiliki kesempatan untuk bereksperimen dengan fitur -fitur seperti gambar gambar, lapisan penyesuaian, cutout pintar AI, peregangan audio AI, AI Audio Denoise, mode split cepat, preset pintasan keyboard, mode langsung, dan berbagai opsi tambahan.

    filmora shortcuts filmora shortcuts

    Program ini juga memiliki berbagai macam alat dan fungsi canggih. Selain fungsi pengeditan video mendasar seperti pemangkasan, memotong, dan pemisahan, Filmora juga termasuk alat untuk stabilisasi video, kunci chroma, penilaian warna, dan pengeditan audio. Selain itu, ada beberapa trek musik yang sudah dipasang sebelumnya dan efek suara yang dapat diakses untuk penggunaan gratis atas kebijakan Anda. Filmora adalah editor video yang cocok untuk digunakan oleh produsen dari semua jenis dan dapat diinstal pada komputer yang menjalankan sistem operasi Windows atau Mac.

    Filmora shortcuts